Gamelan Music of Bali DOWNLOAD ONLY LYR-7179
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"This compilation of sounds spans the majority of the gamelan-based sub-genres within the space of a single disc...For a basic look at gamelan, this album does quite well, competing admirably with a number of similar albums."
Be sure to download newly revised and expanded liner notes by ethnomusicologist and producer Dr. Ruby Ornstein.
On Gamelan Music of Bali, we hear a Gamelan Angklung, and a Gamelan Gong Kebjar producing some of the most powerful, tour de force gamelan performances ever committed to tape. The program includes a dizzying array of pieces which range from quiet anticipation to virtual explosions of synchronized metallaphones, all deftly hammered in furious poly-rhythmic symmetry!
1. Topeng Tua - performed by Gamelan Angklung - 3:14
2. Kebjar Teruna - performed by Gamelan Gong Kebjar - 13:49
3. Tabuhan Djoged - performed by Gamelan Angklung - 7:37
4. Segera Madu - performed by Gamelan Angklung - 3:12
5. Gamelan Angklung - performed by Gamelan Angklung - 6:27
6. Gambang Suling - performed by Gamelan Gong Kebjar - 8:58
7. Kebjar Hudjan Mas - performed by Gamelan Gong Kebjar - 6:35
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