Pierre de la Rue, Missa de Sancta Anna, Lamentations Jeremiae - Schola Discantus DOWNLOAD ONLY LEMS-8021
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This world-premier recording of Pierre de la Rue's Missa de Sancta Anna brings to light one of the most beautiful musical creations of the entire Renaissance era. The Missa de Sancta Anna of Pierre de la Rue (d. 1518) was recorded in Memorial Hall of Memorial Church at Harvard University in May of 1995, a location whose acoustics are particularly well suited to the music. Along with this extremely beautiful Mass is a set of polyphonic Lamentations of Jeremiah, also by La Rue, including its liturgically appropriate chant Responsories. Except for the first of the three lessons of the Lamentations, none of the polyphony has been recorded before. Features program notes in English, French and German.Tracks:
Missa de Sancta Anna
1. Kyrie - 4:30
2. Gloria - 5:37
3. Credo - 8:29
4. Sanctus - 7:34
5. Agnus Dei - 4:41
Lamentatione Jeremiae
6. Lectio 1 - 9;38
7. Responsorium 1 - 3:42
8. Lectio 2 - 4:59
9. Responsorium 2 - 3:38
10. Lectio 3 - 6:34
11. Responsorium 3 - 5:23
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